Welcome to the Department of Physics, where we are "Stimulating the Minds of Today to become the Innovators of Tomorrow”. We are located on the third floor of the E. E. O'Banion Science Building, in Suite 330. We are part of the Texas Physics Consortium, nine Texas institutions that together offer the bachelor of science degree in Physics. We as a department have three major goals: to provide a firm foundation in physics for those pursuing careers in areas such as biology, chemistry, computer science, dentistry, engineering, the medical sciences, mathematics, and teaching at primary and secondary levels; we strive to equip students with the ability to model the world and make measurements, understand the natural order of things; and, to prepare the outgoing graduates with skills for posing and solving a wide array of problems while incorporating available technologies and reporting the results of such work. We have state of the art research and instructional labs available for our students to use, and we have an excellent student-to-faculty ratio. Our students get valuable mentoring from our dedicated faculty whose goal is to ensure that each student develops to his or her full potential.

Below are three websites that are useful for the student as well as for anyone looking for the status of the physics job market and related statistics. A lot of interesting and very useful information can be found at these sites.

1. Who Is Hiring Physics Bachelor’s? http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/states/state.html is a searchable state-by-state listing of many employers who recently hired physics bachelor’s into science and engineering positions.

2. Latest Employment Data for Physicists http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/emptrends.html has reports that provide the latest data on where physicists work and what they do throughout the economy and at different degree levels.

3. Statistical Research Center home page http://www.aip.org/statistics has lots of interesting and useful information for presentations and more.