In order for a student organization to register and remain active, the organization must have a minimum of one faculty/staff member serving in an advisory capacity.  The advisor serves as a source of continuity, program ideas, and experience.  In addition, the advisor(s) should be kept abreast of the organization’s activities by attending all functions and meetings.

Aside from being the person who signs financial statements, various forms and room reservations, the advisor can be the difference between a mediocre organization and an excellent organization.  Organizations can often utilize their advisor in solving problems such as recruitment, internal strife and lack of funds.  The advisor is of crucial importance to any organization.

See the links on the left for more information.

For additional information and/or assistance, please contact Student Activities & Leadership at 936.261.1340 .

The information for “Advising a Student Organization” has been adapted for Prairie View A&M University from the following sources:  University of Florida, Murray State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Miami University (Ohio), The University of Wisconsin-Parkside, and Ball State University.