Unfortunately, the Office for Student Conduct has been inundated with requests for an official university excuse, which is contributing to the protracted response time.  We apologize for the delay.  Our office is processing requests for official university excuses as quickly as possible. We ask for your patience as we work diligently to respond to the submitted request for an official university excuse.  

Thank you for contacting the Office for Student Conduct.  Please use the Online Reporting Forms link  to access the Request for a University Excused Absence form to submit your request for an excuse and support documentation. 

Please provide any support documentation (e.g., doctor’s note, medical discharge paperwork, court document paperwork (victim/witness), etc.) to this office for an official university excuse.  Additionally, please indicate the date(s) for which the university class excuse is to cover.  Upon receipt, a staff member will verify the documentation and provide an official university excuse, if applicable.  

Please read the following information carefully before requesting a university excused absence.

Please do not submit a request for a university excused absence unless you are required to do by at least on of your faculty AND you have the documentation to support the absence available in a format that can be uploaded. Supporting documentation must indicate the dates requested for the absence. Incomplete request forms, requests submitted after five (5) business days from the last day of absence, or insufficient documentation supporting the absence will be denied.

The Dean of Students Office does not provide an official university excuse for illness without support documentation, transportation issues (mechanical issues, breakdowns, lack of transportation, etc., court appearance (non-victim/witness), personal trips, non-university sponsored meetings/activities/trips, etc. for missed classes. Please work directly with your professor to help you resolve this matter.

While a student who is issued a university excused absence will not be penalized for missing class, the student is still responsible for obtaining the material discussed in any class(es) missed. Students who miss in-class work (i.e.. tests, quizzes, laboratory assignments) are expected to make up and complete all missed work, In the event a student’s excused absence(s) becomes excessive, a faculty member may recommend that the student withdraw from the course(s) or award an ‘incomplete grade.’

Please allow 5 business days for the university excused absence request to be processed. Students will received an email when the request has been processed. If the request is approved, it is the student’s responsibility to forward the excused absence letter to the appropriate faculty. Requests for university excused absence after the last day of classes will be denied.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Dean of Students via email: deanofstudents@pvamu.edu or phone:  (936) 261-3550 or Office for Student Conduct via email:   studentconduct@pvamu.edu or phone: (936) 261-3524.

In accordance with the latest guidelines from the PVAMU Health Services, the following measures are in effect until further notice: 

  • Students who are ill will be asked to adhere to best practices in public health, such as masking, handwashing, and social distancing, to help reduce the spread of illness across campus. 
  • Mandatory self-reporting will no longer be required by students. Students will be responsible for communicating with their professors regarding COVID, similarly to any other illness. 
  • There will be no mandatory isolation. Students who are too ill to engage in classroom activities will be responsible for securing the appropriate documentation to support the absence. (A doctor’s note is required.) 
  • Students who self-isolate will be responsible for communicating with their professors and securing an excuse from Student Conduct. 
  • All students will have access to TimelyCare, a telehealth platform that provides virtual medical care 24/7 and by appointment in the Student Health Clinic. Students are encouraged to enroll with TimelyCare at the beginning of the semester, at timelycare.com/pvamu. 
  • Students will have access to COVID testing in the Student Health Clinic by appointment. Testing is for students who are symptomatic ONLY. 
  • Due to the previous university policy, any student who tests positive will be considered a previous positive for the next 90 days and will not be allowed to receive an excuse due to COVID. 

The student is responsible for providing the official university excuse issued by the Office for Student Conduct to the professor(s).  In the meantime, you are encouraged to communicate and work with your professors in your respective classes.  

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Dean of Students via email: deanofstudents@pvamu.edu or phone:  (936) 261-3550 or Office for Student Conduct via email:   studentconduct@pvamu.edu or phone: (936) 261-3524.

Thank you for contacting the Office for Student Conduct.  We extend our condolences to you and your family in the passing of your loved one. Please use the Online Reporting Forms link  to access the Request for a University Excused Absence form to submit your request for an excuse and support documentation. 

Please provide any support documentation (hardcopy of funeral program or obituary) to the Office for Student Conduct for an official university excuse within five (5) business days of your return to campus.  Be advised that the obituary or funeral program needs to include you as a named immediate family member.  (Immediate family member is defined on the Request for a University Excuse Absence form.)  The Office for Student Conduct is located in Anderson hall, 3rd Floor, RM 305 or 307.  The official university excuse will cover a maximum of five (5) business days inclusive of travel.

Immediate family member is defined as student’s spouse or life partner; child; parent; legal guardian; sibling; grandparent; grandchild, step-, half- and in-laws of the same relationship.

Recognizing the impact of such a loss on our students, Student Counseling Services is available to offer support during this difficult time.  Student Counseling Services can be reached at (936) 261-3564.