PHSC 3322-Introduction to Atmospheric Science


This page contains summary information about the course Introduction to Atmospheric Science (PHSC 3322) last offered in the Spring 2022 semester. When the course is next offered, most of the resources will be kept on eCourses. This page, from past semester offerings of this course, contains some general references and resources used in Atmospheric Science Courses.

Introduction to Atmospheric Science is an intermediate conceptual science course offered to physics majors, education majors and anyone interested in learning about weather and climate. The course utilizes materials from the AMS Weather Studies (AWS) curriculum provided by the American Meteorological Society. PHSC 3322 generally follows the weekly schedule outlined on the AWS website and includes exams, quizzes, and homework assignments as outlined in the syllabus and on eCourses.

Critical Thinking Component

Introduction to Atmospheric Science includes a Critical Thinking Component that complements the main lecture material. Information about this as well as a preview of some of the topics to be covered are included below.

Critical Thinking and Diversity Module Introduction
Critical Thinking Topics

Resources and Sites of Interest

Further, five websites are provided below with additional materials on Atmospheric and Earth Science. There are additional links to more sites within each of the following web pages.