Historical Fact Books

Fast Facts (by Term)

Enrollment by campus, classification, ethnicity, gender, and time status; and SCH (Semester Credit Hours) by college and department

Enrollment Statistics

Semester enrollment by time status (full-time/part-time) by level (graduate/undergraduate), classification, ethnicity, and gender

Enrollments by Major

Fall 2010-Spring 2015 (New)

Fall 2008-Spring 2014

Fall Headcounts

Certified Headcount by level (UG and GR) and ethnicity

Enrollment Snapshots

Enrollment Dashboards (visuals and charts) that provides enrollment data by level, classification, gender, and time status.  Data is available by college and department.

Faculty Data

Faculty data by college, rank, tenure, gender, and ethnicity

Faculty headcount and FTE (full-time equivalents) by college, department, and major

Online Resumes

Online Resume for Legislators and Other Policy Makers

Gainful Employment – Placement Rates


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