Prairie View A&M University College of Nursing Dean Allyssa L. Harris held her second luncheon meeting of the 2022 fall semester with Pre-Nursing students (first- and second-year students) in May Hall on the Main Campus Tuesday, Nov. 15. More than 80 students registered to attend the meeting.

Geneva Sherman, Tahara Blue, and Madyson Honora are pictured with Dean Harris

Four winners of the “Why Nursing” essay contest were announced and received certificates and awards. Geneva Sherman, Tahara Blue, and Madyson Honora are pictured with Dean Harris. The fourth winner, Kyla Lemon, had to leave early to attend class. These winners read their essays explaining why they chose nursing for their future careers.

Also present at the meeting were Dr. Antonea Jackson, BSN Director, Drs. Keeya Lewis and Arnitra Doucet, Semester I Coordinators, and Dr. Forrest Smith, Director, Admissions and Student Support Services. Most notably, and with much appreciation, we acknowledge the Office of Pre-Nursing Advising with Dr. Dena Noel-Barrs, Assistant Director of Advising, leading the Team (Ms. Magoti, Spates, Covington, Williams and Hays), for graciously and successfully coordinating these events.

The purpose of the scheduled session is to allow pre-nursing students to meet with the dean, faculty, and staff to learn more about the College of Nursing and its admissions requirements. They also have a chance to discuss any questions or concerns about nursing and the transition to the Houston campus. The competitiveness of the admissions process was reiterated by everyone, as they shared some history of their nursing journey.

As much as the CON would like to serve all the students at Prairie View interested in the nursing major, with limited clinical placement spots (75 -100+), students are strongly encouraged to explore the many nursing programs in the Greater Houston Area, throughout the state of Texas, and across the country.