Prairie View A&M University requires each academic and non-academic unit to assess their unit by identifying expected outcomes and evaluating the extent to which these outcomes have been achieved. Assessment is conducted to ensure program quality.

  1. Expected Outcomes: Expected Outcomes, in general, are statements derived from your unit mission that provides data and information indicating the extent to which the unit mission is achieved as well as fulfilling the mission of the University.
    Academic Units

    1. A Program/Unit Outcome is a specific, measureable statement that describes desired performance. Program Outcomes are statements that describe what the unit hopes to achieve, whether in customer service, personnel expertise, efficiency, fundraising, research, destination, licensure rates, enrollment, career placement, retention, etc.
    2. Core Curriculum Outcomes specify what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time they complete courses in the Core. Please refer to the University Catalog or The Coordinating Board for more information.
    3. Student Learning Outcomes specify what students are expected to know and to be able to do by the time of graduation from the program.

    Educational Support / Administrative Units

    1. Process Expected Outcomes are based on specific functions or administrative procedures, which the unit staff believes should be improved. Process oriented outcomes typically describe a) the level or volume of unit activity, b) the efficiency with which the unit’s processes are conducted, or c) compliance with external standards of “good practice in the field” or regulations.
    2. Outcomes Statement: Focus on what the clientele (students, potential students, vendors, etc.) will be able to accomplish following service by the unit.
    3. Client Satisfaction Oriented Outcomes: Focus on the client’s satisfaction following the receipt of service.
  2. Strategies Used: These are steps taken to enhance the likelihood of achievement of the stated expected outcome. In essence, what did you do to achieve the expected outcome? Close the loop by referring to your “Use of Results” from the previous cycle.
  3. Measures, including target: These indicate the means used to analyze the expected outcome. To identify the measure, units must determine what will provide them information necessary to see that the expected outcome is met or achieved. By measure, we mean the artifact and the instrument (rubric name; survey name, etc.) used to assess (or measure) the outcome achievement level. In addition, a target for performance is generally the percentage, count, number of days, frequency, or dollar amount that defines the level of achievement for the expected outcome. Examples of measures include the following: Course-embedded assessments (test questions on an exam, pre- and post-tests, recitals, research papers, capstone projects, etc.), standardized examinations (ETS Major Exams, etc.), satisfaction surveys, mock interviews, activity evaluations, focus group product, after-the-trip impact statement, internal and/or external audit, project participation rates, percentage increases, Attendance, Completion rates, etc.). The measure should include the name of the artifact and the instrument used to assess it.
  4. Results: Previous Results: If the unit has collected data on this expected outcome before, it will indicate the most recent findings. Current Results: These provide information after the data has been collected for the current cycle. Questions to consider after data collection: How did you do? How did you do compared to previous findings?
  5. Use of Results: After unit personnel reviewed the results of the data and compared them to previous findings, what changes were made within the unit, services provided or how did you use the findings? If this outcome has never been assessed before, indicate how the results will be used to inform decision making within the unit and/or services provided. Please note that if you indicate how the results will be used in the future, the expectation is for the unit to implement the changes so that continuity in assessment will be evident.
  6. Documentation: Where is the evidence located?