

Free Shell Recruiting Webinars!

A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR REMARKABLE STUDENTS JOIN US FOR DISCOVER SHELL – A 3-PART WEB SERIES New web courses offer insider access and tips for students. Do you ever wonder what it would be like to work at Shell? Join us for an exclusive chance to get your questions answered directly from current employees! We’re [...]

Free Shell Recruiting Webinars!2016-09-13T15:55:03-05:00

FBI – Honors Internship Program

FBI Honors Internship Program Overview The FBI Honors Internship Program (HIP) is a paid internship program that offers undergraduate and graduate students throughout the nation, an opportunity at an insider’s view of the FBI. This program allows students to work for the summer months at FBI Headquarters, the FBI Academy, CJIS or selected 56 field [...]

FBI – Honors Internship Program2019-12-15T15:04:25-06:00