I am committed to elevating PVAMU’s research and innovation enterprise to become an emerging research institution. Through nurturing a vibrant research and innovation ecosystem at PVAMU, and by building collaborations and partnerships with external partners, we will elevate, translate and impact our global communities, and we will have a broader impact on the greater society. Our research presence confirms PVAMU is moving toward the upper quartile in research prominence among HBCUs, and it is entering the pathway to becoming an emerging research institution.

Magesh T. Rajan, Vice President for Research & Innovation

Meet the Vice President
Meet the Team
COVID-19 Research Info
Magesh T. Rajan
VPRI Faculty-RISE Funding Initiative
VPRI Graduate Fellows Funding Initiative
VPRI RAPID Research Funding Initiative
VPRI RAPID Innovation Funding Initiative
Faculty RISE-Graduate Research Funding Opportunity
Faculty RISE-Undergraduate Research Funding Opportunity
VPRI Panther RISE Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Program

Research & Innovation Week

Research & Innovation News Stories

Special Message from Vice President Magesh Rajan

In a historic moment for Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp officially announced the institution has been selected as the first Historically Black College or University to lead a $40 million University Transportation Center.


Research Funding at a Glance

* 5-Year Aggregate


  1. Cybersecurity
  2. Defense Communications
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Big Data Analytics


  1. Disaster Management
  2. Nanotechnology
  3. Space Radiation


  1. Animal Science and Plant Genetics
  2. Water Security and Resiliency
  3. Environmental Management
  4. Biological Sciences


  1. Social Justice & Health Equity
  2. Energy and Sustainability

Contact us for more information:

Physical Location:
Wilhelmina Fitzgerald Delco Bldg., Suite 120
Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446

Email Address: research@pvamu.edu
Phone: 936.261.1570