On January 25th, 2023, PVAMU Wellness in Houston Cooperative Extension Program in partnership with the College of Nursing and 4-H Youth Development hosted their first college tour. This event was led by Whitney Mack, MPH, Program Coordinator II for the College of Nursing and Aubrion Edwards, 4-H & Youth Development Extension Associate for the College of Agriculture & Human Sciences. We welcomed 60 junior and senior high school students from Carl Wunsche, Booker T. Washington, and High School Law and Justice to the College of Nursing that were interested in seeking nursing degrees. Our mission was to provide students opportunities and to prepare them with helpful skills that will administer a successful transition into higher education.

During the tour, students were able to visit various workshops. These included meeting with Dr. Talitha Lewis who spoke on the admission process and to receive scholarships at Prairie View A&M University. Also, they were introduced to Harris County CED Extension Agent, Mr. Gregory Rose, who spoke on their Rural Academy workshop and Club YEP program. Students were also able to experience hands on activities in the simulation rooms which housed the Health Assessment and Developing Family Labs.

In conclusion of the tour, PVAMU College of Nursing Alumni, Chadney Mosley and Tralynn Victorian, spoke on our panel discussion. They were able to share their nursing journey and present real-world experiences on how to navigate through nursing school and become successful after college. In addition, faculty and staff provided all participants with PV swag, health screening resources and a delicious healthy lunch. For more information contact wellnesshouston@pvamu.edu about any upcoming programs and partnership opportunities.