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Researching Beyond Google: Real World Everyday Topics

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Librarian Kerry Madole will lead discussions on a variety of current topics.
Week 1: Hurricane Preparedness
Week 2: CHATgpt
Week 3: Tornado preparedness and after the twister
Week 4: Fentynal: profitable history of a hazardous drug
Week 5: “We hide from the wind but run from the rain” Keeping an eye on flooding
Week 6: Lightning dangers
Week 7: Freeze can kill: preparing for uncertain winters
Week 8: Preparing for Fall 2023: How the CON librarian can assist (aimed at CON faculty)
Week 9: Plagiarism
Week 10: Getting ready for Fall 2023 (aimed at CON students)

Time and Day: Every Wednesday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Registration Link: https://pvpanther.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kf-qpqTkjH9Cw0XHgX9utWXuh7WCXMxjH

Presenter: Kerry Madole, College of Nursing Reference and Instruction Librarian I klmadole@pvamu.edu