Note to All Users:

Current Status of IT Services
Password Reset & Setting Up MFA
AppsAnywhere is now available

Status Updates

  • VDI (Panther Desktop) is now available

    Steps to log into VDI (Panther Desktop):

    1. Visit & enter your PVAMU SSO username and password.
    2. While it’s “Logging In”, you will receive a phone call or a push to your smart phone.
    3. Once you approve either by phone or in the MFA app, it will take a minute but it will finish logging you into the VDI.

    Note: You must use the Microsoft Authenticator App (Multi-Factor App) on your smart phone or the call option for the multi-factor authentication (MFA). You will not be able to use the Text option.

  • Microsoft Authenticator App (MFA)

    Download the steps and the Microsoft Authenticator (Multi-Factor Authentication ) App so you can use it instead of receiving texts or calls.
    • Note: You must use the Microsoft Authenticator App (Multi-Factor App) on your smart phone or the call option for the multi-factor authentication (MFA). You will not be able to use the Text option.
Microsoft Authenticator App Setup (PDF)
  • VPN is available for shared drives, phones and voicemail.

    • Learn more about connecting to VPN
Logging into VPN (PDF)
  • Argos PROD Available

    If you previously had access to Argos, you can now access Argos.

    NOTE: When you are working remotely, you must be connected to VPN, User Group: “Banner”. If you try to use “All Users”, you will not have access.

  • Voicemail is now available online*

    Currently voicemail is not being sent to your email, however this is being worked on. You can check your email by calling your phone and entering your password or by logging into your voicemail online*.

    *You must be logged onto the VPN to access your voicemail online.

Voicemail Website
  • Shared Drives are Available

    You may need to connect to a network drives.

    • Learn more about connecting to network shared drives
Connecting to A Network Drives (PDF)