PVAMU has reviewed enrollment records and you fall into one of the following categories:

  • You have not enrolled in classes for the past 2 long semesters (Fall and Spring)
  • You were admitted but never enrolled in classes
  • You graduated from PV and have not enrolled in graduate school or an additional undergraduate degree

Your PV Student Email will be deleted and your PVPlace access will be removed on May 21, 2021. You can access your email until May 21. Your account will purged after this date. Visit office.com to access email. Use password reset tool instructions if you need to reset your email password before May 21.

If this information is incorrect, please contact registrar@pvamu.edu to update your profile as soon as possible.

Here is what you should do before May 21, 2021:

  1. Send your personal email address to contacts in your PV Student Email account informing them of the email they should use going forward.
  2. Forward/backup any emails you may need to your personal email account from your PV Student Email account.
  3. Log into Panthertracks to keep your personal email address up to date.
  4. If you have any social media accounts using your PV Student Email address, please switch them to your personal email account.

Here is what you should do after May 21, 2021:

  • To log into Panthertracks after May 21, 2021, use the Alumni and former student link on PVPlace. Visit the self-service reset page for help with your login credentials after May 21, 2021.