December 6, 2020, will always be a day I will remember. It was the day that would change my life forever. I was laid off from my job of six years. I wasn’t devastated because, to me, it was the break I needed to finish what I started in August 2006, which was my bachelor’s degree in business administration.

LaTrinidy Mike

I was initially accepted to Prairie View A&M University out of high school in 2006. I moved to Texas at 18 years old from Atlanta, originally from Florida. I was excited yet intimidated by starting this journey with no family in Texas, but my mother would follow me six months later. At that time, I didn’t understand the importance of what school would mean to me. Initially, I wasn’t focused; I wasn’t determined to complete my education. Over the years, I would take a few classes here and there, but I never had the drive to fully complete what I started.

After being laid off, I knew I wanted more; I knew I had to make some changes and be a better me for my son. I began to write down everything I wanted in life, including every goal I wanted to accomplish. In 2018, I started my journey as an author. I have published several books, and that journey opened so many doors for me, but I still felt that my life was incomplete.

LaTrinidy MikeOne day I started to pray; I prayed for direction; I prayed for guidance and understanding. I would check my email regularly, and one particular email stood out. It was an email from PVAMU for the Panther Success Grant. After receiving that email on several occasions, I decided to research the information in the email. Prairie View was willing to assist students looking to finish their education.

One particular day, I decided to attend a Zoom for more information. I was intrigued, but I still had doubts. “How was I going to do this? It’s the middle of a pandemic, and you have no job. How are you going to pay for this?” As these thoughts flooded my mind, I kept praying. I NEVER STOPPED PRAYING! The Panther Success Grant, along with the CARES Act, made it possible for me to attend school.

I was up late one night, so I decided to complete the application to enroll in the summer of 2021. It didn’t take long for my application to be approved. I immediately jumped into action. I wanted to get things done quickly, so I called my aunt and told her to be ready in the morning; ‘We’re driving to Prairie View,’ I told her. “I had to finish. This was it. This is my time,” I kept telling myself. When I got to the university, so much had changed. The business building was no longer in Hobart Taylor Hall, and the scenery was different. I spoke to a couple of people around campus who were extremely helpful. I was getting excited. I was checking one of my goals off my list.

As I entered the new business building, I immediately ran into Ms. Kimberly Gordon. I initially met Assistant Dean Gordon in 2008. I was overjoyed to see a familiar face. She invited me to her office. I followed her right then, and we jumped right into action.

She informed me that I could get this done in a year and a half. I was shocked. I thought this journey would take more time. I will forever be grateful for Ms. Gordon and her attentiveness and eagerness to assist me. Her dedication and hard work are impeccable. I was able to get registered for my classes that day.

LaTrinidy MikeClasses started, and I was not the same girl that started this journey in 2006. I was different; I was determined and dedicated to finishing. I jumped in full force. On my first day of class, my son was excited. He said, “Mommy, you’re going to school to see your friends, and I’m going to school to see my friends.” That made my heart smile. My son saw the determination in me. I was ready; I was focused; I would tell myself, “This is it.” I was doing this for my son and myself.

Throughout this journey, I have learned and accomplished so much. It seems like just yesterday that I made the decision to finish school; now, it’s almost time for graduation. Throughout my journey at Prairie View, I was able to take part in the Toni Morrison Writing Program. I have a passion for writing, and as an author, I love to listen to experienced authors to gain more knowledge in all areas. I was also able to display my books in the College of Business through Dr. Rick Baldwin’s entrepreneurship class that I took in the fall of 2021. Also, in the fall of 2021, I made the Dean’s list for the College of Business. I had so many great opportunities, but overall, this journey has taught me that with God, any and everything is possible.

After graduation, I will continue to write books. Reading and writing has always been a passion of mine, so I turned my dreams into reality. I have published several books over the years, which can be found here: I plan to attend graduate school in the fall of this year for education. I plan to participate in the new PantherTERM program.

Throughout this journey, I had a great support system. I will forever be grateful for them. My Mom was a truly amazing supporter. I am forever grateful for her love, words of encouragement and her just reassuring me that “I got this.” My aunt, Tracy, and my cousin, Vontrise, both pushed me to limits I never knew I could go.

To my son, you were all the motivation I ever needed to start strong and finish off even stronger. Thank you for being so patient with me throughout this journey. You have truly taught me what patience is; I will never find another soul like yours, and I’m extremely grateful you’re my little person. Mommy loves you so very much.

LaTrinidy Mike

To anyone who dreams of finishing something you never started, you are the only person holding yourself back. Nothing is impossible. You may not see the end results, but if you can see the vision, that’s all you need. No one will see your vision but you.

Sometimes we must make our own pathways, and they may not be cemented and neat at first, but time will make all things clear. It’s never too late; just NEVER STOP PRAYING!

LaTrinidy Mike will receive a Bachelor of Business Administration from Prairie View A&M University this spring. Click here to view a complete listing of this semester’s notable graduates.