Q: What does Cumulative Calculator show?
The Cumulative Calculator option on the GPA Calculator tab will show what average you will need in your remaining credits to graduate with your desired GPA.

Q: Is the calculated GPA guaranteed?
No. This is an estimate only.

Q: What does the Desired GPA Calculator show?
The Desired GPA Calculator option on the GPA Calculator tab will show various credit and grade scenarios in order for you to achieve your desired cumulative GPA.

Q: What does the Graduation Calculator show?
Enter the GPA you would like to have at graduation. The Graduation Calculator will show what GPA you will need to average over your remaining semesters to obtain your desired GPA at graduation. Please note that an error message will appear if the GPA required is above the highest available GPA at Prairie View A&M University (4.000).

Q: How does Degree Works handle repeated courses?
Degree Works adheres to PVAMU’s repeat policy when producing a degree worksheet. Per the policy, a grade replacement petition request must be done before it goes into effect.   Previous attempts will go into the insufficient section.  This policy is not applicable to graduate student or graduate courses.

Q: How does Degree Works determine which set of degree requirements to use?
Degree Works uses a student’s Catalog Year to determine the set of degree requirements to use when producing a degree worksheet.

Q: Why am I receiving an error when I run a What If scenario?
The “What If” tool requires that you make a selection in the “Major” field. Failure to select a major will result in error.

Q: Why isn’t the advisor showing when I run a What If scenario?
Advisors do not display when a major different from student’s current major is chosen within the What If tool