Graphic of mucous

This is how snot tells if you’re sick.

The health and safety of your livestock is paramount to a successful and profitable operation. Maintaining animal health requires some basic practices to aid in disease prevention, controlling disease transmission, and mitigating the harmful effects of transmissible livestock diseases.

The term “biosecurity” may evoke images of men in Tyvek suits and respirators, but in reality, it’s something we all think about as livestock producers. At its core, “biosecurity” means to secure your premises from a biological threat – whether that’s Foot & Mouth Disease… your neighbor’s pneumonia outbreak… or whatever that cow you bought from the sale barn last week might be carrying! All of these can be a threat to your animals and operation, so why wouldn’t you take steps to keep your livestock safe, and prevent illness from happening?

PVAMU VSGP Award Announcement

AVMA VSGP Announcement

A Report