Student Requirements

In order for a student to be eligible for services, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Apply and be admitted to a Prairie View A&M University undergraduate or graduate program.
  2. Provide current and comprehensive documentation of a disability to the Office of Disability Services.
  3. Register with the Office of Disability Services to initiate accommodations.

Meet these requirements?  View our Student Intake Procedures

Services for Students

Examples of reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to:

  • ASL interpreters
  • extended time for testing
  • select adaptive equipment loaner program
  • note-taking assistance
  • use of digital tape recorders
  • use of colored overlays
  • large tables and seating space
  • small-group or individual test environments
  • accessible housing -as available.  Apply early.
  • accessible parking
  • readers for visually impaired individuals
  • books on tape – interested students should secure personal membership
  • alternate forms
  • classroom observation
  • Dining Accommodations for food allergies -documentation required
  • Support services for pregnant and parenting students
  • Text-to-speech software
  • Accessible technology laboratory
  • Victor Readers
  • Macintosh Computers compatible with iPhones at NWHC, jaws, and low-vision enhancement software

Discussing your disability with a professor can be a difficult meeting for students. 

Here are some things students can do to prepare for a meeting with a professor:

  • Schedule a meeting as early as possible, preferably before the start of the semester or as soon as you receive your class schedule. This allows you time to interactively work out accommodations and answer any questions the professor may have.
  • Do not go into complete detail about the disability, but tell the professor about the limitations it causes and how it may impact studying and classroom work.
  • Explain any weaknesses caused by the disability and also tell him/her your strengths.
  • Be willing to offer a copy of your verification letter provided by the Office of Disability Services.
  • Rely on your past experiences. Tell the professor what has worked.  For example, if you have an auditory disability, you may let him know that writing instructions for assignments or tests on a blackboard will help.  Or, if you have a visual disability, extra-large print handouts or overheads will be valuable to you.
  • Ask the professor if he has any ideas. He may have worked with students with the same disability in previous classes to develop accommodations that worked.
  • Discuss how your work will be evaluated. Be clear about grading criteria and the type of exams.  Also, agree on out-of-class work and what is expected of you.
  • If you and the instructor as not sure about accommodations, ask disability services.
  • In your meeting, reach an agreement that gives both sides a clear understanding of the accommodations that will be provided and your responsibilities.