Greetings Prairie View A&M University Student:
I am conducting a research study on understanding how resilience factors aid African American male students in at-risk situations become academically successful. This research focus primarily on African American males who are currently attending a HBCU.
To participate, you must:
1) Be a sophomore, junior, or senior level student at PVAMU,
2) African-American male
3) Attended a high poverty low performing school
If you meet these eligibility requirements and are interested in participating, please email me at .
$$$$$$ In appreciation of your time and participation, a $10 gift card will be afforded to you after the interview. Your participation in this study is anonymous and voluntary.
I would greatly appreciate your participation in this study.

Oluwaniretimi Smith
Primary Investigator/Doctoral Candidate at Texas A&M-Commerce

For more information, click Seeking Participants for Research Study! Compensation Guaranteed for Participants!

Contact Information

Oluwaniretim Smith
Email :