To: PVAMU Students
From: Timothy E. Sams, Vice President for Student Affairs
Date: March 18, 2020
Re: Returning to Campus on March 23

Many of you have had questions about what you should do when classes start again on March 23. As you know, the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus has caused the university to end all face-to-face classes and to move exclusively to an online class format for the rest of the spring semester.

Students are permitted to return home if that is an option, but you are not required to leave campus at this time. Student housing will remain open and food service will continue unless circumstances warrant a change. The Texas A&M University System is evaluating options for students who wish to withdraw from student housing and return home for the semester. We are told that further guidance will follow.

If you decide to return to campus, you should expect university life to be different from when you left for spring break. We expect that you will follow the university’s social distancing guidelines and limit gatherings to 10 or fewer people. Finally, we expect you to thoroughly sanitize, and maintain a clean living environment.

We are preparing a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that will be posted on in the Coronavirus Updates section of our website. As guidance is changing often, we will be frequently updating this site and, particularly, the FAQs. I encourage you to visit the site often so that you have the most up-to-date, official university information.

I know that this disruption is difficult, but we are all working through these strange times together. I wish you a safe and productive conclusion to your spring semester.