Scientist Profile – Shaye Lewis

Shaye LewisShaye Lewis Ph. D.
Research Scientist

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Key Interests

Animals System, Reproductive Performance, Genetic Improvement Animal Genome

Expertise and Current Research Interests

My research expertise includes female reproductive physiology, the development and function of the male reproductive tract especially the testes, and developmental and physiological genomics. I have established research interests in the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating the development and function of the testes and which influences spermatogenesis. I use a variety of cell and animal models including goats, and mice. The long-term goal of research in my lab is to identify molecular biomarkers in seminal plasma that reveal the quality and fertilize of mature spermatozoa. I want to develop low-cost diagnostic tools to screen males for potential fertility. To accomplish this, I take a functional genomics approach to identify novel genes important for testes development and function.

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