The Integrated Food Security Research Center (IFSRC)

The Integrated Food Security Research Center (IFSRC), developed in 2018, is part of the Texas A&M University System Chancellor’s Research Initiative (CRI). The IFSRC is establishing a research platform with a highly qualified talent pool of researchers and staff in collaboration with local, regional, national, and international partners to find solutions to alleviate persistent food insecurity through comprehensive research strategies.

People are “food secure” when they have uninterrupted access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for a productive and healthy life. The IFSRC works to improve food security by conducting research to address the major components of food security: Availability, Affordability, Dietary Quality, and Safety.


Focus Areas



Title: NourishWell: Empowering Communities for Food Security and Health.
Investigators: Peterson, N., Austin, S., Michelin-Moore, P, Agboola, P., Barouei, J. (Co-PI)
Funding body: PVAMU CARC-CEP joint grant
Award duration: 2023-2025
Amount: $200,000

Title: The Impact of Proteins and Dietary Fibers on the Microbiome: Is Digestibility the Understudied Driver of Metabolic Dysregulation?
Investigators: Barouei J. (PI), Rabinowitz, J.D.
Funding body: Princeton Alliance for Collaborative Research and Innovation
Award duration: 2023-2025
Amount: $250,000

Title: Experiential Approach to Beef Cattle Production Feedlots for Undergraduate Students
Investigators: Tolen T. (PI), Daley M., Kinman L. A., Herring A.
Funding body: USDA NIFA
Award duration: 2023-2026
Amount: $300,000

Title: Abattoir Academy: Building Capacity for an Educational Workforce Development Program to Promote Experiential Learning Best-In-Class Practices
Investigators: Kinman L. A., Garcia, L., Daley, M., Tolen, T. (Co-PI)
Funding body: USDA NIFA
Award duration: 2023-2026
Amount: $300,000

Title: An Integrated Approach to Minimize Produce Food Safety Risks for Small-Scale Diversified Growers in Texas
Investigators: Barouei, J. (PI), Somenahally, A., Henry, K., Moussavi, M., Park, D., Kebrom, T., Harris, L., Jung, Y.
Funding body: USDA NIFA
Award duration: 2023-2026
Amount: $580,000

Title: A nature-based solution to reduce nitrogenous greenhouse gas emissions.
Investigators: Barouei, J. (PI), Kebrom, T., Moussavi, S. A.
Funding body: Shell International Exploration and Production
Award duration: 2023-2025
Amount : $810,964

Title: Enhancing soil carbon sequestration by implementing innovative tools and interventions under different ecosystems
Investigators: Ray, R., Griffin, R., Carson, L., Qian, L., Weerasooriya, A., Fares, A., Barouei, J. (Co-PI), Gao, Y.
Funding body: Shell International Exploration and Production
Award duration: 2023-2025
Amount: $2,576,237

Title: Southern Regional Center for Food Safety Training and Outreach, and Lead Regional Coordination Center
Investigators: Schneider et al., Tolen, T. (Co-PI)
Funding body: USDA NIFA
Award duration: 2021-2024
Amount: $12,000

Title: Integrated Food Security Research Center at Prairie View A&M University.
Investigators: Myers, D. (PI), Fares, a., Newton, G., Osuji, G., Risch, E., Turner, W.
Funding body: TAMU System Chancellor Research Initiative
Award duration: 2018
Amount: $5,299,100

**The authors in bold are IFSRC members**

Barouei, J., Martinic A., Bendiks, Z., Mishchuk, D., Heeney, D., Slupsky, C. M., and Marco M. L. 2023. Type 2 resistant starch and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum NCIMB 8826 result in additive and interactive effects in diet-induced obese mice. Nutrition Research, Accepted 15 Jul 2023.

Moussavi, M., Barouei, J., Evans, C., Adams, M. C., and Baines, S. 2023. Viability and in vitro gastrointestinal transit tolerance of multispecies probiotic combinations incorporated into orange juice and drinking water. Foods, 12, 2249.

Moussavi, M., Cuskelly, A., Jung, Y., Hodgson, D. M. Barouei, J. 2022 Maternal probiotic intake attenuates induced expression of ileal corticotropin-releasing factor receptors genes in rat offspring exposed to early and later life stress. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry,

Gao, M., Moussavi, M., Myers, D. 2021. Analysis and Specification of Starch Granule Size Distributions. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (169), e61586,

Núñez de González, M., Attaie, R., Woldesenbet, S., Mora-Gutierrez, A., Kirven, J., Jung, Y. and Myers, D. 2020. Effect of Feeding a Low Level of Encapsulated Fish Oil to Dairy Goats on Milk Yield, Composition, and Fatty Acid Profile. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 97(3): 281-288.

Ampim, P. A.Y., Obeng, E., Olvera Gonzalez, E., Weerasooriya, A., Osuji, G. O., Myers D. 2020 The Response of Egyptian Spinach and Vegetable Amaranth Microgreens to Different Light Regimes. Scientific Journal of Biology & Life Sciences, 1(3): SJBLS.MS.ID.000512.

Kidane, N., Myers, D., Henry, K. and Lawton, M. B. 2019. Caprine Meat from Farm to Table.

Ampim, P. A.Y., Obeng, E., Olvera Gonzalez, E., Weerasooriya, A., Osuji, G. O., Myers D. 2020 The Response of Egyptian Spinach and Vegetable Amaranth Microgreens to Different Light Regimes. Scientific Journal of Biology & Life Sciences, 1(3): SJBLS.MS.ID.000512.

Kidane, N., Myers, D., Henry, K. and Lawton, M. B. 2019. Caprine Meat from Farm to Table.

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