Prairie View A&M University is the host to the Prairie View Fire Academy who recently graduated five new firefighters December 9, 2017, in the Willie A. Tempton Sr. Memorial Student Center Ballroom. Started by Mr. Vedron Bordeaux, assistant chief of the City of Prairie View Volunteer Fire Department, the mission of the PVFA is to provide a comprehensive test preparatory program for the State of Texas Firefighter examination to the PVAMU community.

 To complete the program, participants have to complete 22-course modules inclusive of academics and skills in preparation to take the State Firefighters’ & and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas Certification. After passing the exam, cadets become certified as a Firefighter II. With this title, the graduates are now eligible to be hired as Texas certified part-time firefighters in Waller County. Congratulations to the following cadets on graduation: Alfred Dennis, Aliyah Fletcher, Tavares Garner, Daniel Gordon and Emmanuel Raye.

Bordeaux said having a working relationship with the University is powerful for the PVFA.  “Working with Ms. Faison, director of Continuing Education, is like I hit the lottery,” said Bordeaux, “She has the resources at the tip of her hands and knows how to work the system.” He thinks that PVAMU students benefit from participating in the PVFA because their certificate provides them with another career option post-graduation.

“I am extremely proud of them,” said Bordeaux, “They did an awesome job.” At the beginning of the program, cadets receive orange helmets. Once they complete the requirements and pass the state exam, they receive a black helmet at graduation, “They were upgraded and promoted to a firefighter, and will use this helmet when they go on a call,” said Bordeaux.