SEXUAL ASSAULT IS: As defined by the Texas Penal Code, a stranger or acquaintance commits sexual assault if forcible sodomy, forcible sexual penetration, however slight, of another persons mouth, genital opening with any object. These acts must be committed without the victim’s consent either by force, threat of force or violence, intimidation, or through the use of the victim’s mental or physical helplessness of which the accused was aware or should have been aware. Sexual assault is sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or that is inflicted upon a person who is incapable of giving consent.

Sexual Assault is a nonconsensual act involving psychological manipulation, physical force, and coercion. It is an act of aggression and violence, and a crime punishable under the laws of the State of Texas by fines and incarceration ranging from two years to life in prison.

The Prairie View A&M University’s definition of sexual assault also includes any touching of an unwilling person’s intimate parts (defined as genitalia, groin, breast or breasts, buttock or clothing covering them) or forcing an unwilling person to touch another’s intimate parts. Acts must be committed either by force, threat, intimidation or through the use of the victim’s mental or physical helplessness of which the accused was aware or should have been aware.

Administrative Sanctions

Rape, Acquaintance rape, or other sex offenses (forcible or non-forcible) are violations of university policy. Prairie View A&M University is committed to eradicating these behaviors and will not tolerate them. Following an on-campus disciplinary proceeding, sanctions may be imposed on faculty, staff or students found in violation of university policy, which may result in separation from the university. Refer to the Faculty, Staff, and Student handbooks for a complete range of sanctions. The PVAMU has established disciplinary procedures that address cases of alleged sexual assault committed by faculty, staff, or students. Include in these procedures are statements that:

The accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a campus disciplinary proceeding, and both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding brought alleging a sexual assault.

Campus authorities are available to provide assistance in changing academic and living situations after an alleged sexual assault if requested by the victim and if these changes are reasonably available.

Facts about Sexual Assault

    • You probably already know a victim of sexual assault. The victim could be a neighbor, close friend, relative or, perhaps, even yourself. Sexual Assault, which is commonly known as rape, is one of the fastest-growing crimes in this country and the least reported. Fewer than 10 percent of these crimes are reported.
    • The FBI estimates that one out of four women and one in 12 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. One of three women will face a threatened assault. Acquaintance rape constitutes 60 percent of sexual assault for the general population and 84 percent for college students. Surveys indicate that alcohol is a major factor in acquaintance rape.
    • Women are predominantly the victims of sexual assault; however, adults and children of both sexes can also be potential victims of sexual assault. A large number of rapes are planned in advance by the attacker.
    • Acquaintance/date rape involves someone the victim knows. Date rape is more likely to occur on the second or third date since defense are higher on the first date.
    • Victims will usually feel ashamed, more guilty, more depressed, and angrier with themselves than victims of an unknown assailant.
    • The victim may again have to meet the assailant in a class, a resident hall, elsewhere on campus, or even at work.
    • Women in acquaintance rapes are more often confused about what is happening and who is responsible. Their confusion is heightened by the fact that acquaintance rapists, unlike stranger rapists, often become conciliatory after the assault and almost always try to remain in contact with the victim. As a result, victims are less likely to call it rape or even understand that it was a crime.

Identification Needed By Police

Practice being observant so that if you are attacked you will be able to describe and identify the assailant.

About Self Protection

If you sense the danger of sexual assault, try to avoid confrontation. If you can’t avoid confrontation, your own imagination and initiative are your best defenses. In any assault situation, the most important thing to remember is to remain calm and avoid being isolated with the attacker. Immediately attempt to leave the scene and go to the nearest lighted public place. You may wish to attempt verbal or physical resistance.

Verbal Resistance

If the attacker has a weapon you may decide to use verbal resistance. There are many ways to use your voice to protect yourself. Trust your feeling about whether yelling or talking calmly would help you the most.

Physical Resistance

    1. The goal of physical resistance is to react immediately, use your body and every available weapon, and escape.
    2. An available weapon includes objects such as an umbrella, lamp, ashtray, bottle, purse, etc.
    3. Five vital targets of the attacker are the eyes, nose throat, groin, and knees. The idea is to disable rather than hurt the attacker.
    4. Be realistic about your ability to protect yourself. Practicing rape avoidance requires action, but you must feel confident with whatever measures you decide to adopt.


At Home:

      • Lock all doors and windows at all times.
      • Replace or re-key locks when you move into a new home or apartment.
      • Install a door viewer and a 1″ deadbolt lock and make sure you have the only keys to your home.
      • Leave outside and inside lights on at night. Use lights in more than one room.
      • Pull all drapes and blinds completely closed to prevent someone from seeing in from outside.
      • Leave a TV or radio on so it does not appear you are alone.
      • If you live alone, use your initials only on mailboxes and in the telephone directory.
      • Never open your door to a stranger. Require identification from all repairmen, salesmen, etc.
      • If you receive an obscene phone call, hang up and call the police.
      • Do not give personal information over the telephone.


      • Never pick up hitchhikers.
      • Make certain you have enough gas to get to your destination.
      • Park in well-lighted areas. When returning to your car, have your car keys ready so you can enter without delay, and look into the back seat.
      • If possible, travel on well-lighted streets and avoid isolated back roads and shortcuts.
      • Never leave your house keys with your car keys at a service station or parking lot.
      • Keep car doors locked at all times and car windows rolled up when possible.
      • If you have car trouble, raise the hood, get back inside and lock all doors. If anybody stops to offer help, do not get out of your car. Roll the window down only enough to convey your message and ask them to call the police. Keep a “SEND POLICE” sign inside your vehicle and some change for telephone calls.


      • Never accept a ride or hitchhike.
      • Stay in well-lighted areas and avoid shortcuts, vacant lots, and other deserted areas.
      • When possible, avoid walking alone or walking in areas where other people are present.
      • Walk facing traffic; if a driver does stop and ask directions, avoid getting too near the car.

REMEMBER: Our emergency number is extension 1375 (on-campus), or utilize any on-campus emergency information call box or telephone (Blue Phones).