The PV-Faculty/Staff and PV-Student passwords will change on September 4th, 2023.
Please follow this password instructions to gain access to the new passwords.

Instructions for Students
To get the password for PV-Student, students must log into PVPlace with their PV credentials.

Instructions for Faculty/Staff
To get the password for PV-Faculty/Staff, faculty/staff must visit the PVAMU Intranet.

Instructions for Guest
After accepting the university’s acceptable use policy, guests can register using a non-PVAMU email account and mobile phone number to access PV-Guest for basic internet access.

The Network Team is currently moving some buildings from PVMobilenet to the updated Wi-Fi names. If the new Wi-Fi names are not yet available in your building, please keep using PVMobilenet for now.

Please note that PVMobilenet will no longer be accessible after 9/8.

For more information, click New Wi-Fi Passwords for New Wi-Fi Names