Enter all details aWe are pleased to invite you to our Second Annual Curriculum and Instruction Field trip for future STEM + teachers.

We know that STEM teachers may presently be in Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Agriculture and we want you to continue earning a STEM degree AND consider Teaching!

The field trip to Space Center Houston will include: transportation, lunch, a speaker from the NASA space program and cool swag!

The per student cost is $80, but we will NOT turn away any student because of cost. Limited scholarships are available.

We do have a limited number of spots – 25, so that will be a determining factor.

Please register using the QR Code on the flyer. If you have questions, you may contact Drs. Miller or Burnett.

The date to end is: Sept. 8th,
bout the campus announcement here. Failure to do so will result in a rejection of this campus announcement.

For more information, click NASA Space Center Visit fall 2023- Second Annual Curriculum and Instruction Field trip for future STEM + teachers.

Contact Information

Dr. Beverly A. King Miller
Email : bamiller@pvamu.edu