The Implicit Bias Training and Equity Project

The far-reaching and detrimental impact of implicit bias, or the unconscious knowledge and beliefs about certain groups in society, has been well documented. The City of Houston’s Health Department has been leading an ongoing effort to not only address implicit bias in the context of schools but in other sectors that affect the lives of youth. The Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice is currently collaborating with the City of Houston, My Brothers’ Keepers, and the National Training Institute on Race and Equity (NTIRE) to develop and implement a framework for cross sector implicit bias training. The cross sector model brings together the justice system, school leaders, and advocacy groups to build a comprehensive and intentional citywide effort to debias organizations and institutions. Through our efforts, Prairie View A&M University’s faculty, staff, and students will have the opportunity to broaden their awareness of implicit bias by participating in implicit bias workshops and trainings.  The Center hopes to become a resource for Houston-based organizations wanting to establish and maintain equity.