ProofPoint Encryption and Data Loss Prevention

What is ProofPoint?

Proofpoint is an email filtering system designed to protect users from phishing attempts and malware attacks. Proofpoint also provides Data Loss Prevention by quarantining emails send with confidential information (social security number, credit card numbers, etc) outside of PVAMU network.

If the user sends an email with confidential information, the email will be blocked (not deliver) and the user will receive the following email,

Dear NAME, OR No salutation:

You have recently attempted to send an email “Subject of the email”. The email was flagged as containing potential confidential/sensitive data (such as social security number, credit card number, etc). PVAMU UAP 29.01.03.P0.229.01.03.P0. Information Resources – Encryption of Confidential and Sensitive Data prohibits the transmission of confidential data via email without encryption.

We strongly recommend that you reconsider the content (confidential information) of the email. Is it absolutely necessary to transmit this email via email? If you have a legitimate business need and you must send this information via email, per the UAP defined above, the data must be encrypted. Please follow the instructions below to encrypt the email/data.

Encryption Instructions:

To encrypt your email, simply type [encrypt] in the subject line of the email followed by the subject text. For example [encrypt] Transfer Student data.

Confidential Information Example: Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Driver License Number, Credit Card number, etc

Please note, the recipient of the email will not receive the encrypted email message directly. They will be required to register in our system and log into a secure website to view information the email or to download any attachments.

If you have any questions email or contact Henry Rose at 936-261-9353.

ProofPoint Encryption:

To encrypt your email, simply type [encrypt] in the subject line of the email followed by the subject text.

For example [encrypt] Transfer Student data.

If you have any questions email

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