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Family and Community Health

Family and Community Health

A Taste of African Heritage Cooking Series Increases Healthy Habits


May 21, 2018 - According to countyhealthrankings.org, Bell County, Texas has approximately 29% of adults that are obese, and 28% are physically inactive. Fifty-six percent of people in Bell County ages 18 to 44 are at risk for obesity (The Texas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2011-2015). Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 ...

A Taste of African Heritage Cooking Series Increases Healthy Habits2019-12-15T14:37:06-06:00

CAHS Organized Leafy Greens Workshop: From Farm to Table


A team of more than 30 students, research scientists, extension personnel, and faculty members from the College of Agriculture and Human Sciences successfully conducted the Leafy Greens Workshop: From Farm to Table on Thursday, February 15, 2018. This was an opportunity to showcase the land-grant program in action through the research activities of students working ...

CAHS Organized Leafy Greens Workshop: From Farm to Table2019-12-15T14:37:07-06:00

Heroes for Health


A key component of active Extension work is a  committee identifying local issues and assisting with a plan of action to address them. The Maverick County Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) committee identified obesity and diet-related diseases as a chronic issue in the county. Current statistical data revealed 65.9% of adults in Texas are considered ...

Heroes for Health2019-12-15T14:37:08-06:00

Burning Up The Kitchen


There is nothing more annoying than to have a roommate who can not cook. You know why? Because typically those that can not cook always burn pots, pans, and food at every attempt. So, raise your virtual hand if you live with someone who needs help in the kitchen! This article is for you. For ...

Burning Up The Kitchen2019-12-15T14:37:08-06:00

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program


  The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is currently implemented by Prairie View A&M University – Cooperative Extension Program in Fort Bend, Harris and Starr counties.  EFNEP focuses on working with very limited resource families with children ...

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program2019-12-15T14:37:08-06:00

Basil and Happiness


My new favorite herb to use is fresh basil leaves. I was roaming through Pinterest, a social media platform, a few weeks ago looking for an easy and healthy recipe to prepare for my lazy Saturday afternoon. I came across a fantastic recipe that included fresh basil. I typically use dry basil, even when the ...

Basil and Happiness2019-12-15T14:37:09-06:00

Boys 2 Men Leadership at Irving’s Thomas Haley Elementary


Approximately twenty-four young men began blazing their trails to (young) manhood via the "Boys 2 Men" Leadership program (B2M) this past October. Thomas Haley Elementary School in Irving, TX, collaborated with the Prairie View A&M University's Cooperative Extension Program and agent Marvin Young of Dallas County to allow parents and male youth to interact, share, ...

Boys 2 Men Leadership at Irving’s Thomas Haley Elementary2019-12-15T14:37:09-06:00

The Safe Sitter Program Teaches Teens How to be Better Babysitters


According to childwelfare.gov, "all parents eventually face the decision to leave their children home alone for the first time. Whether they are just running to the store for a few minutes or working during after-school hours, parents need to be sure their children have the skills and maturity to handle the situation safely. Being trusted ...

The Safe Sitter Program Teaches Teens How to be Better Babysitters2019-12-15T14:37:09-06:00

Annual State Bid Fair


In 2012, eight million minority-owned businesses contributed $1.38 trillion in revenue and 7.2 million jobs to the economy! In recent years, minority-owned companies have seen an increase in the last five years, but lag in terms of revenues and sales of non-minority businesses. Of the 26.9 million small-owned businesses in the US, African-Americans own only ...

Annual State Bid Fair2019-12-15T14:37:09-06:00

Families/Fathers Reading Every Day


Positive parenting practices play an essential role in children's development and later life success. Many aspects of life affect parenting including parent characteristics (e.g., personality, cognitive abilities, health, age, and level of education); child characteristics (e.g., temperament, developmental progress, mental health); family economic resources; and family structure (e.g., single, two parent, grandparents raising grandchildren). 35% ...

Families/Fathers Reading Every Day2019-12-15T14:37:09-06:00