Dr. Matthew SadikuIf you do a quick google search on the Internet on Dr. Matthew Sadiku, you will find he’s a Texas A&M University System Regents Professor in Prairie View A&M University’s Electrical and Computer Science Department, an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellow, and an author of more than 80 books. In fact, professors at more than 100 universities across the country use his books to teach their classes.

“When I was studying in college in the ‘70s and ‘80s, I realized there wasn’t one book that included everything,” said Sadiku. “So I began writing what I thought would be an all-encompassing book.” Sadiku published his first book “Elements of Electromagnetics” in 1988. “And I’ve been writing ever since,” he said. “I just released my latest book “Emerging Internet-Based Technologies” this month.

At PVAMU, Sadiku’s books are used in the seven classes he teaches. Other professors also use them throughout the year. “It takes me a lot of time to understand new concepts. But once I do, it clicks, and it’s very easy for me to teach others. I have a passion for this,” said Sadiku.

Sadiku’s books can be found worldwide and have been translated into more than half a dozen languages including Korean, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.