The Office of Disability Services is responsible to:

  • Publicize how to access services for a  disability.
  • Provide leadership in the formation and  interpretation of policies and procedures that promote access and equity for persons  with a disability and sponsor relevant and meaningful programs that promote  diversity and student success.
  • Register students who self-identify as a person  with a disability.  Maintain audit-ready ADA files.
  • Verify eligibility gleaned from current and  comprehensive documentation of a disability
  • Provide eligible program participants with a  letter of recommended accommodations.
  • Respect and observe a student’s right to privacy  about disability information.
  • Provide leadership and advice on grievance  and compliant procedures.
  • Refer to and collaborate with community agencies for disability-related support services and networks.

Persons with a Disability are responsible to:

  • Register with the Office of Disability Services.
  • Provide documentation of a disability.
  • Know your unique needs as they relate to your  disability and make sure the documentation support your claim.
  • Ask for accommodations as far in advance as  possible.  Keep records.
  • Present your letter of accommodations to your  instructor/service provider.
  • Maintain the academic and conduct code and  standards of the University.
  • Establish a collaborative relationship with  instructors and discuss your limitations as early and often with the instructor  as possible.  Use their office hours,  email, telephone, etc.
  • Maintain a copy of the faculty letter of  accommodations with other records related to each semester coursework.

Instructor/Supervisor Role:

  • Comply with the accommodations letter issued by  the Director of Disability Services.
  • Notify students that accommodations are  available by including a disability statement on all course syllabi.
  • Determine essential elements of the course or  program of study.
  • Set and maintain course grading scale, conduct  standards and academic standards.
  • Maintain and document efforts to contact or counsel  with students with a disability.  Note if  and why accommodations are extended but not used by the student.  Keep records.
  • Notify the Office of Disability Services and the  student in writing what you cannot do to facilitate learning relative to the  letter of recommended accommodations issued by the Director of the Office of  Disability Services.
  • Respect the student’s right to privacy concerning  his or her disability.
  • Assist the University to implement ADA policies  and procedures for providing accommodations, eliminating discrimination and  removing attitudinal barriers.