We should all be energy conscious. Buildings with year-round conditioned air use the largest amounts of energy. Thermostats should be set at 72 – 78 degrees, depending on outside weather conditions. To conserve energy, temperature controls are cut back from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. in areas not scheduled for night use. Areas used at night are cut back after the activity is completed.

Lighting consumes a large amount of energy. Some offices and classrooms have been retrofitted for lights to go off when there is no motion in a room for 5 – 10 minutes. In areas where there are no motion control lights, lights should be turned off after classes and when offices are not being utilized. Corridor lighting may be reduced during night hours, but the reduction should not jeopardize the safety of the university community. Lights that are left on not only consume energy, but also generate heat, increasing air conditioning costs. Specialty and decorative lighting should be kept to a minimum.

Other energy conservation measures are:

  •  Use of personal fans and electric heaters is prohibited. Exceptions for medical reasons can be made with approval of the appropriate administrator by providing a written request and a medical statement from the employee’s physician.
  • All exterior doors and windows should remain closed at all times to prevent the escape of conditioned air.
  • Closing blinds or curtains will help maintain comfortable conditions by forming barriers against the outside environment.
  • Turn off other equipment when you leave or when equipment is not needed.
  • Make sure all water is turned off after each use.